A Leadership Masterclass

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Written by Alan Vink

Categories: Pastors Blog

Tags: Leadership Development

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Dear Pastors

I have been a National voter all my life except at the last Election where I gave Labour my ‘Party Vote’. I did that primarily because I saw in Jacinda Ardern a very capable leader, to be precise a different kind of political leader. I was impressed (which is quite different from being mesmerised) at her political savvy, insightful observations and sharpness of mind. I felt she would introduce a ‘kinder’ version of political leadership yet at the same time robust enough to handle the cut and thrust of political life. Early on she showed signs of tremendous inclusivity, compassion and brilliant communication skills.

I haven’t been disappointed since she took office as a 37 year old PM on the 26th October 2017. Her performance over the last 6 weeks especially has been simply outstanding. Not perfect but outstanding. And the vast majority of Kiwi’s agree.

According to the latest (24th April) ‘Colmar Brunton’ survey results, 87% of Kiwi’s continue to back the Government in their management of the COVID19 crisis. This compares to an average of 50% across the G7 Countries. The report clearly goes on to say that this support is for specific actions taken to protect both lives AND livelihoods (meaning jobs), particularly in so far as the policy we adopted of going hard and going early.

But like always the ‘tall poppy’ syndrome is alive and well along with the usual criticisms. And that is to be expected. This is politics after all. I am particularly saddened by some Christians who have said quite disparaging things at a time when it is abundantly clear that our PM is trying to save as many lives as possible and at the same time save as many jobs as possible. There is no doubt in my mind that the PM (and Dr Ashley Bloomfield) really care about people’s livelihoods as well. The balancing act must be excruciating.

Here's where I stand.

  1. There is no ‘playbook’ for leading in this type of crisis or any crisis really. So the playbook is being written as we go.
  2. Our PM has shown that she is LISTENING. She is listening to experts in science, medicine, economics and business. She is listening to her critics. That’s what good leaders do.
  3. No Government can be free from ideology. No leader of a political party can either. Jacinda Ardern leads the Labour Party. That will inform her decision making at least to some degree as it would for you and me.
  4. No leader is driven by purely altruistic values and motivations including we who are pastors and ministers.
  5. No leader is ALWAYS right all of the time. When history is written about COVID19 and our Government’s response there will highly likely be agreement around a few errors and missteps (but not many compared to a few other Western nations in the world).
  6. Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern has done and continues to do brilliant work communicating to us all. Clear, concise and timely communication. Outstanding!
  7. And so has Dr Ashley Bloomfield. What a man for such a time as this.

All of the above and then some provide for us pastors and ministers of the Gospel great leadership lessons. Actually I would suggest a Master Class for leading in a crisis.

The NZ Herald published an excellent Op Ed piece this weekend gone.

Here is a quote.

“Just how did Ardern manage to persuade New Zealanders into docility?

Asked this question herself on the last day of the level 4 lockdown, Ardern said she was confident New Zealanders would do what was needed if they knew there was a good reason for it.

The thing that has probably given me confidence in our response has been the proof from New Zealanders today that as long as people see the need, people know why you're making that decision, that you're sharing all of the information, and people are coming on that journey with you then they will do extraordinary things.

It's just been about trust.

Human behaviour changes as long as people trust they have all the information they need to support the decision you are making on their behalf."

So now we who are pro-life are left with quite a conundrum, aren’t we? Only two weeks before COVID19 was a thing this Government, fully supported by our PM, passed a piece of legislation that allows Doctors to kill ‘late term’ babies. I for one can’t understand how or why Jacinda can support this? I just don’t get it and to be honest I am very upset about it. Has ideology (namely, ‘A Women’s Choice’) so blinded her and many of her parliamentary colleagues that common sense and even her own recent experience gone out the door? It appears it has. And that is deeply troubling to all of us.

But we must continue to PRAY………..please pray.



Alan Vink is currently the Executive Director for LeadershipWorx. Prior to this role he has been the Executive Director of Willow Creek Association NZ (WillowNZ), a Baptist pastor (23 years), Bible College teacher, and church consultant.

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