
Monday, November 15, 2021

Written by Alan Vink

Categories: Gospel and Culture

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Good Morning and Welcome to this week’s Gospel and Culture update, by Alan Vink

Monday 15th November, 2021


POV. I’m not feeling great today. I feel heavy hearted and to be honest quite conflicted. I so wish that the term ‘Vaccine Mandates’ wasn’t even in our vocabulary let alone a reality that comes into force tomorrow. From everything I have read and watched over the weekend I can only but conclude that our PM feels the same as does the leader of the Opposition, The Director General of Health, loads of other health professionals not to say anything about the thousands and thousands of Employers.

As pastors and Christian leaders this rubs up against everything we hold precious. It smacks against everything that we believe in. It just doesn’t feel right. For many it isn’t right.

At the heart of the issue lies a question that I think we must wrestle with and it’s this. Is it ever right (justifiable) for the Government to mandate vaccinations and therefore ‘coerce’ people into getting it?

  1. I have concluded it is. The reason I have landed there is reasonably straight forward. We are living in the midst of a Global pandemic. We are in a war and deeply immersed in at that. There is an enemy called the coronavirus and it wants to kill us and if it can’t do that then significantly harm us. On that basis we are on a ‘war footing’ and in war times we have to take extreme measures no different to what countries all around the world did when WW2 broke out in 1940. We must do this for one and one reason only. To keep as many people safe as we possibly can especially the vulnerable folks amongst us.
  2. I believe that this is fundamentally a public health issue and not a theological issue or a political issue. Though theology and politics (and ethics and law) play into our decision making, if we can primarily look through the public health lens then it may be easier to arrive at a decision.
  3. I support Vaccine Mandates because I believe our public Health System desperately needs a vaccinated population so our hospitals in particular are not overwhelmed by Covid patients and so unable to care for all other patients who need hospital level care. As we know hospitals are already under great pressure.
  4. It is clearly intended by our Government that the new measures (law) being proposed is temporary whilst we are in pandemic times and that once we are on top of this virus and its many variants then these laws will no longer be ‘fit for purpose’. That means they will be ‘retired’. No longer required.
  5. I believe the science. Medical science has fixed me in the past and I have no reason it won’t do the same for me and my ‘neighbour’ going forward.
  6. I need to remind myself constantly that as a follower of Christ I have laid down my rights including my rights under the ‘Bill of Rights Act’ (BoRA), and I am called upon to be an other centre-ed person. I have responsibilities toward my community. Yes I am my brothers and sisters keeper.

Finally. An appeal to my brothers and sisters who don’t agree with me.

  • I am more than happy to have a chat with you in a friendly and mature manner. I promise to listen well.
  • Please seek out good and reliable information. If you have trusted your GP in the past why not go and have a chat with him/her as a starter.
  • Please stay in fellowship at your home church.

Alan Vink is currently the Executive Director for LeadershipWorx. Prior to this role he has been the Executive Director of Willow Creek Association NZ (WillowNZ), a Baptist pastor (23 years), Bible College teacher, and church consultant.

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