Inequality and Safe Travel

Monday, November 23, 2020

Written by Alan Vink

Categories: Gospel and Culture

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Good Morning and Welcome to this week’s Gospel and Culture update, by Alan Vink

Inequality and Safe Travel

Monday 23rd November, 2020

Resource Inequality

POV. Income and wealth inequality is well and truly (and sadly) ‘entrenched’ in NZ. Since the early 80’s the rich are getting richer and the children of the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer and the children of the poor have no where to go. I am one of ‘the rich’ and so are many of you if not most of you reading this blog today. I’m not saying this to make you feel bad, not at all. Rather I am saying it because as Christians and as local churches I think it is very important that we:

  • Understand the issue.
  • Support Government policies and other initiatives that actually seek to narrow the gap.
  • Figure out how we as the Christian community can contribute to narrowing the gap.

Here is a website that can get you started.

What is inequality?

There are many kinds of inequality – of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and so on. Here we focus on inequality of income and wealth, sometimes known as economic inequality or resource inequality because income and wealth are both things (resources) that the economy produces.

Income is the money that comes in week to week or month to month, while wealth is people’s stored up assets, like houses, KiwiSaver investments, or cash in the bank. Income is what people need to get through the present, while wealth allows them to plan for the future and make investments.

Income and wealth inequality is about who gets what – the fact that some people have much more or much less of these things than others.

The Future of Travel

This is a fascinating article (10mins to read) published by BBC Travel entitled, ‘Will Travel be Safer by 2022? It looks like it will.

Alan Vink is currently the Executive Director for LeadershipWorx. Prior to this role he has been the Executive Director of Willow Creek Association NZ (WillowNZ), a Baptist pastor (23 years), Bible College teacher, and church consultant.

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