Shepherds Rise Up!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Written by Alan Vink

Categories: Pastors Blog

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Dear Pastors

I would like to begin today by saying that based on everything I have read about COVID-19 I fully support our Governments measures1 that are mostly in response to Dr Tedros Adhanom, the Director-General of the World Health Organisation call for a “all-of-government-approach”. Central to that call yesterday was “Test, Test, Test”.

I am disappointed but not surprised to hear a few ‘fringe’ Christians saying quite frankly silly things and in so doing minimising the importance of adhering to our own Ministry of Health (Government) advise. Here are a few of the weirder comments I have picked up.

  1. Claim Psalm 91 and no pestilence will touch you.
  2. If you’re covered by the blood of Jesus you have nothing to fear.
  3. We won't let a filthy virus scare us out of having church.
  4. It’ll be gone for us by April 8th because the blood of the Passover lamb protected Israel from the plagues in Egypt.
  5. When we take the communion, Jesus was saying as many as eat My body are eating My health because there is no virus in Me.
  6. They can’t tell us to stop hugging, that’s our culture!

Please don’t misunderstand me. I love Psalm 91, I love the gathered community, I believe in the efficacy of the blood of Christ and I don’t mind a hug or two but seriously this is most unhelpful…..actually it could be harmful if Christians are influenced by this. And clearly some already are.

I say that to say this. Would it be a good thing for you as Pastor to speak positively in support of our Government’s responses so far and therefore their requirements? Further why not urge your people to 1) be conversant with the MOH guidelines on a daily basis (that are updated regularly) AND 2) to do what is asked of us even if it is inconvenient. Friends, we are our brother’s keeper, aren’t we?

Words Matter

Whether you are physically meeting this Sunday or not your words Pastor really matter right now. At times like this when the Nation faces a crisis like we are, Christians, the family of God, your congregation want and need to hear from their Pastor, their Shepherd. They are needing their pastor to speak the words of God that speak directly to their fears, confusion, bewilderment, anxieties and questions.

Perhaps the best thing you can do is ‘stop’ normal programming and the current series you are teaching and instead speak into and about the current context we are living in. Personally I don’t think it’s business as usual.

Is singing together important? Well yes in normal circumstances it is but maybe hard to do online so why not just have really good music to listen to and meditate on the words. There is no shortage available and it is literally just a click away.

Why not ask 10 people via email today their most pressing questions and frame your words on Sunday – Bible Readings, Prayers, sermon - around people’s ‘top of mind questions and bottom of heart worries’?

The Kids

Those of you who know me well can predict what I am going to say now. Pastor, please talk to the kids and then pray for them. As their Pastor they too need to hear words of re-assurance, comfort and hope. They know what’s going on around them, they sense the concern and fear adults around them are showing so for their sake talk to them as well.

Here is a fabulous resource to help the Kids understand what is going on in respect to COVID-19. It’s from Dr Michelle Dickinson otherwise known as the Nanogirl. Everything she says and produces is brilliant.

And finally for now as I said yesterday please make sure your soul is in good order. If it is you will be able to be attentive to the needs of your people and bless them beyond measure.



1 I am not saying this as a Labour Voter because I am not. I do however support how and what they have done since the COVID-19 outbreak. That said, I deeply saddened and very angry about this Government’s position on Abortion. Talk about being conflicted.

Alan Vink is currently the Executive Director for LeadershipWorx. Prior to this role he has been the Executive Director of Willow Creek Association NZ (WillowNZ), a Baptist pastor (23 years), Bible College teacher, and church consultant.

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