Thankyou Mr Luther!
Dear Pastors
Thankyou Mr Luther!
Monday just gone was the 31st October. On this day in 1517 (505 years ago) Martin Luther kicked off a ‘protest’ against the Catholic Church. As a former Augustinian monk Luther and his contemporaries started a protest against the unbiblical actions and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe, which launched what is known to this day as the Protestant Reformation. In essence, Luther said, The Church isn’t the final authority, tradition isn’t the final authority, the Pope isn’t the final authority, No - the Bible is.
The Protestant Reformation was a call back to biblical Christianity, to acknowledge that the authority on all matters, both for the Church and believers, is God's Word alone and that sinful man is reconciled with God by faith in Christ alone.
Out of the Reformation emerged the articulation of five essential points of doctrine known as the five solas. The five Latin statements serve as a summary of the core beliefs that separate Protestantism from Roman Catholicism. May I remind you that many modern day Catholics around the world believe in the five solas. The five solas of the Reformation are:- sola scriptura (Scripture alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone). Right here is an excellent preaching series………just saying.
An excellent and succinct summary of the five solas can be found here at the Gospel Coalition.
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