Very Strange Days
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Dear Pastors
Very Strange Days
I am (mostly) a centre right voter. If I could have voted yesterday I would have voted for Kamala Harris as would have most New Zealanders according to various recent polls. Personally I hold a view that Donald Trump is not fit to be President…..not even close. It is as simple as that. Harris (like Obama and like Jimmy Carter - a card carrying Christian when President (1977-1981) is a much safer pair of hands. And when it comes to policy settings I personally disagree with some policies on both sides of the political divide. But that’s another discussion.
Heather Claycomb and her husband are very good friends. I called her this morning to have a chat. What follows is Heathers perspective. It’s a very good read.
Perspective from a Christian American living in NZ for 25 years.
Speaking to my NZ work colleagues today, most are astonished at how Americans could possibly vote for Donald Trump. I'm not surprised that he's been voted in. I'm not happy. I voted for Harris. Not because I like her policies, but basically because it was an anti-Trump (the person, not the party) vote. As a person living in NZ, you have to remember a few things about America and Americans. And when you understand these things, then maybe you'll understand why I'm not surprised:
NZ perspective on America is warped by the 'edges'
Most NZers get their perspectives on America and their news from west coast or east coast sources. If we're reading news, it's likely CNN, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post. These are left-leaning sources and only consuming those channels would have given you hope that Harris may have had a chance.
Visiting these locations on holiday, a NZer also gets locals' perspectives and again, CA and NY for example, are Democrat supporters. It's easy to forget the vast majority of Americans are living in smaller rural communities (or come from these communities and now living in Midwest cities) and they have small-town perspectives. They don't consider international politics, trade barriers, the right thing to do in Israel, Ukraine, Iran, etc. Their considerations are selfish, and right now they are suffering in a depressed economy and in need of more money in their pockets. If someone promises to "save" them, that's where their votes are going.
As one of my high school friends recently posted last week on her Facebook page: "Donald Trump promises to halve my monthly electricity bill. He's got my vote!" For some reason, people living in small towns are a bit naive too!
Christians will turn a blind eye and vote for Republican every time
This is because a Republican vote is an anti-abortion, anti-trans rights, anti-gay marriage, etc. vote.
Rightly or wrongly, the Republican vote is so ingrained in Christian psyche, these upstanding, God-fearing people clearly are willing to ignore a leader's character and put Christian rules-based dogma above all else without compromise.
America is NOT ready to vote for a black, female
Racism still runs very deep in American communities, particularly in rural communities, which includes many of the 'swing' states such as GA and PA. The day Harris announced she was running, my first thought was, "There's no way America will vote her in." A black man was one thing - a black woman is one step too far for so many.
This deep (but often hidden to the outside world) racism also aligns many people to Trump's anti-immigrant, "Make America Great Again," Project 2025, anti-woke rhetoric.
Unfortunately, the economy is already getting better in most western economies, so this improvement over time will play right into Trump's hands, which will solidify his support. I can already hear the "I told you so's!" I wouldn't be surprised if his leadership distances America further from its historical international allies. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes rash decisions that fuel international conflicts even further.
My hope is that I'm wrong. But after this week's result, my hope is waning.
God bless America.