The Gender Experiment

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

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Dear Pastors

The Gender Experiment

I hope you can find 13mins to view this video It is a documentary about a medical experiment that is harming young people in New Zealand and around the world. This documentary has been produced by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL). It equally applies to us here in NZ.

The Gender Experiment uncovers the truth behind the outrageous medical scandal that is harming young people across our nation. In this documentary, you will be moved by the story of a young woman who bears the scars of attempted gender transition, you will hear professional medical opinion and a brave politician who is unapologetically pushing for an inquiry.

Three brave Australians. They echo the same truth; we need to expose this medical scandal and see puberty blockers banned in Australia. The evidence of harm is clear, and many countries have already taken action to ban these permanent life-altering medications for children. Yet Australian governments have refused to look at the evidence and it is our children who will suffer for it”. Source: ACL Newsletter.

The Ministry of Health here in NZ is refusing to say if it is considering following Britain's move to ban the routine use of puberty blockers for transgender children and teenagers.

The drugs - which delay the physical changes that come with puberty - are now limited to clinical trials in the United Kingdom. Similar restrictions are already in place in Sweden, Finland and France.

In a move heralded by the British government as "a landmark decision" and "in the best interests of children", the National Health Service or NHS has concluded there is not enough evidence that puberty blockers are safe to take or clinically effective for transgender children and young people.

In the documentary you will hear reference to the Cass Report, an independent four-year review of specialist services for gender dysphoric youth in the UK, which found young people had been given life-changing treatment despite "remarkably weak" evidence. I highly recommend you read (5mins) the Overview of Key Findings of this very influential Report.

Dr Hilary Cass - A former President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health from 2012-2015, Dr Cass recently finished a term as Chair of the British Academy of Childhood Disability (2017-2020). Although retired from clinical practice, she remains an honorary Consultant Paediatrician at Evelina London Children’s Hospital, Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust, where she was also previously Director of Education and Workforce.

Finally for now, you may have heard that the PM announced yesterday in his post cabinet media conference concerning the Royal Commission of Inquiry the following:-

1. That the final report will be made public tomorrow, Wednesday 24th July.
2. That the PM will make a formal public apology on Tuesday12th November 2024.

Mr Luxon described his reading of the report as ‘harrowing’ and that what has happened is a “shameful part of our history”.

I’ll be saying more about the report on Thursday in my usual weekly blog.


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